Never before has our manufactory in Grünhainichen been as close to a European Capital of Culture as this year: Chemnitz lies just 25 kilometers from where Grete Wendt founded her company in 1915. Wendt & Kühn congratulates on receiving the international title – with a special figurine that will charm not only industrial culture enthusiasts.
Chemnitz has often been overlooked by day-trippers and urban travelers, but now the city is attracting more and more attention. It is definitely worth a visit: the motto of the Capital of Culture Year, “C the Unseen”, is tangible throughout the year. Highlights such as small and large cultural festivals, art exhibitions, industrial culture and music events invite you to experience the familiar in a new way and discover the cultural heritage that has remained hidden until now.
This special Eleven Dot Angel uniquely blends industrial culture with the figurative craftsmanship of the region, merging history and tradition with modernity. Last but not least, it builds a bridge from reality to a world of fantasy and imagination. In its hands, the angel holds a cogwheel inscribed with “European Capital of Culture”. As an artistic keepsake of the Capital of Culture Year 2025, it will serve as a long-lasting companion not only for enthusiasts and collectors of the Wendt & Kühn brand. The figurine is packaged in a high-quality splint box, complete with an accompanying booklet.